Thank you for entrusting your child’s therapy to our care. We want you to rest assured that your child is being treated with dignity and respect.
Children are entitled to a great deal of confidentiality, despite the fact that they are a minor. If your child discloses to his/her counselor that he/she is feeling suicidal or homicidal, we will let you know immediately. However, anything else is held is strictest of confidences. This allows your child to build a relationship with a trusted adult.
You may always ask how he/she is doing, if they are responsive and/or cooperative. However, specific details of your child’s care will not be discussed unless it meets the criteria listed above.
Thank you for entrusting your child’s therapy to our care. We want you to rest assured that your child is being treated with dignity and respect. We consider it our privilege to walk with your family on this journey.
Regardless of the parental situation, all parents have equal access to the child’s information, and will be given an opportunity to speak with the child’s therapist. The only exception to this is if one parent’s rights have been terminated through the Court System. In that case, documentation must be presented.
In the case of a divorce or time sharing situation, both parents are treated equally in this regards. When one parent decides to bring the child for treatment, the non in-home parent will be sent a letter notifying him/her that the child/ren is in therapy with this agency.
You can reach Tracy Riley Counseling and JAX Hypnosis by phone at 904-704-2527 or by email through our website’s secured, confidential contact page.
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