stanley roundtree

Stanley Roundtree, Office Coordinator

Stanley Roundtree is originally from Thomasville, Georgia. He moved to Jacksonville in 2000. He earned his Christian Counseling certificate in 2012 and a Restaurant Management degree in 2013. He additionally earned credits toward a bachelor’s in early childhood education. Stanley received the honor of church Bishop in 2013 and enjoys traveling across the country to teach workshops and speak at seminars and conferences. In his professional career, Stanley has worked in management for over ten years.

Stanley joined Tracy Riley Counseling in 2020 as the Office Coordinator. Stanley works hard to manage the team and oversees key aspects of office life. Whether in person or on the phone, clients are always greeted with Stanley’s caring tone and demeanor, and clients have come to look forward to his warm smile upon arriving at the office.

You can reach Tracy Riley Counseling and JAX Hypnosis by phone at 904-704-2527 or by email through our website’s secured, confidential contact page.

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